Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy Holiday Season!

I’m grateful to have such a wonderful group of people coming to my office and classes.

I’d like to thank you for trusting me with your care. I don’t advertise, so your referrals are greatly appreciated. Thank you for spreading the word about my practice.

Stress, happy or difficult times, illness, training for marathons, injuries, etc. are reflected in our bodies. I feel privileged to share in the events of your life and to contribute to your well-being. I’m especially glad when we can prevent these events from taking your body into a full-force flare-up!

I hope you and your family have a terrific holiday season and happy 2010!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I like the guidelines provided by the American Chiropractic Association.

1. When lying on your side, your head and neck should remain level with your mid and lower spine. When lying on your back, your head and neck should remain level with your upper back and spine. In other words, your pillow should not be so thick that it causes your head and neck to be propped up or angled sharply away from your body.

2. Be wary of pillows that are made out of mushy foam materials. The weight of your head can displace this kind of foam, leaving little support. Choose firmer foam and materials that press back and support the head.

3. If you find yourself sleeping on your side with one hand propped under your pillow, that's a clue that you're not getting the support you need from that pillow.

4. There is no such thing as a universal fit when it comes to pillows. Find one that is consistent with the shape and size of your body.